The end of the spring semester is a stressful time for everyone. However, the right tools and practices can help you feel more prepared. Use these tools before or during finals week to help you in classes and maintain your mental health, while combatting built-up stress.
1. Get your end-of-semester assignments done early:
Whether it is a procrastinated essay or an upcoming project that is not due for a few weeks, finish them as early in the week as possible. This will give you more time to relax later.
2. Organize your dorm:
Throw out your trash, sort your clothes, and put your knick-knacks and posters away early for easy packing. It is going to be time to move out soon, so the less clutter that you have, the easier it will be to move out when you are done. This also creates a better studying environment!
Start to think about where you will store your belongings. Rollins Moving Services? A storage unit? A relative’s house? Be sure to plan ahead.
3. Ask questions:
If you do not understand a topic that will be on the final, get it cleared up now. There is nothing worse than being up at two a.m. the night before the final, searching Google desperately for concepts that you still do not understand.
4. Perfect your studying
If studying is something you struggle with, find what works for you now before it is too late.
Tutoring is always an available option, along with the Writing Center and other resources that the library offers.
Speak to your professors and peers. Try creating or joining a study group.
Look online for different time-maximizing study tactics.
5. Check Handshake:
Log on to Rollins’ job and internship search website see what internships you may be able to secure before the end of the semester. Start planning your summer now.
6. Update your resume:
You have had another semester of experiences. Make sure your resume is up-to-date and looks presentable. The Center for Career and Life Planning is available to help.
7. Build relationships with your professors:
Go out to lunch with your professors, talk about your future goals, and start networking. There is no harm in having a go-to contact for opportunities later on!
8. Visit the Wellness Center: Whether the stress has gotten to you, or you just need to take some time to calm down in a stress-free environment, the Wellness Center is a great place to go to seek professional help for your mental health. Even if your stress is not severe, the Wellness Center and CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services) have many tips and exercises to help students. Take advantage of their group workshops. You can also find some techniques online.
9. Tutor a student:
Remember that you are not the only one struggling right now. If you are able to help another student, you should. Doing good things for others often lowers the stress levels of both parties involved. Teaching concepts also helps secure them in your own mind, which will help you on your exams.
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