Global Peace Film Fest is an annual event held in Orlando. This year members of the RCC 100: Writing About Social Justice and Community class attended and wrote reviews on a selection of the films. Read all reviews here.
Even though Prison Through Tomorrow’s Eyes brings you back to innocent, grade-school days, the director Paul Sutton does a very thorough job on showing the ins and outs of California prisons and the everyday life of an inmate. As the film progresses, you might find yourself losing track of all the very similar prisons. Granted, most prisons seem to be alike, but Sutton tends to lose the individuality of each prison in all the information the film feeds. The monotone narration will resurface your inner-student impulse to take notes on the film as if you were going to be tested on it. This, in turn, distracts the audience from soaking in the reality that Sutton is trying to convey. The prisoners’ interviews do catch a lot of attention because Sutton changes the camera’s perspective to “behind the bars”—a side that no one wants to be on. Those interviews were the most emotional scenes, but otherwise, the film was dry. Despite Sutton’s efforts to open the minds of those who watch his film, he concentrated too much on the prisons instead of the hardships and journeys of the prisoners. Ultimately, after viewing the film, any emotions, perspectives, or controversies on prison are left unaffected.
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