Rollins’s annual R-Compass Fair was a hit with freshmen and upperclassmen alike. The gym was bustling with students exploring their options and Tommy the Tar taking selfies with students. Free candy and infectious smiles were not the only upside for this event; it also presented vital information about choosing majors, minors, and answered a myriad of questions about the neighborhoods that students may still have.
The new neighborhood system, going on its third year, is a creative way of accumulating arts, humanities, social sciences, and science credits while focusing on a central theme that interests the student. One might say that this system is the closest we’ll ever get to being sorted into Hogwarts houses. In addition to the five neighborhood courses that students take, they are also required to fulfill four different competencies in foreign language, writing, mathematical thinking, and health and wellness.
The four neighborhoods were represented at tables in the center: Mysteries and Marvels, which focuses on answering intriguing questions; Identities, Mirrors, and Windows, which analyzes the factors that shape our identities; Innovate, Create, Elevate, which broadens student’s creativity; and When Cultures Collide, which explores human behavior and the many cultures that surround us.
“The goal of neighborhoods is to teach on each core subject in relation to the neighborhood and in the real world,” says Nicole Villafuerte ’19. Rollins first-year students must choose their neighborhood by Friday, October 21, through the survey found on Foxlink.
Several departments showcased their work for students, including paintings inspired by Rollins from the Art History department and a disappearing beaker and shock machine from the Physics department. Students were thus able to interact with their potential major and minor choices in a more hands-on way. In addition to major and minor information, representatives for Community Engagement, Internships, and Study Abroad opportunities were also available to answer questions.
The R-Compass initiative began as part of the College’s reaccreditation process for the 2015-2025 time period. The aim is to help students succeed not only during their time here as students but to also ready them for their lives post-graduation in terms of career tools, training, and resources.
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