Outside the Fred Stone Theatre late last Wednesday night, an excited throng of Rollins students and supporters stood in anticipation of the humorous improvisation show “RIP Tag: Tar Wars.”
We all grasped our labeled poker chips, which secure each audience member a seat for that night’s Rollins Impov Players (RIP) performance. There was a large turnout of well over fifty people for the second RIP Tag of the year.
RIP performs, on average, about once a week, and each show is sponsored by a campus organization. This week’s performance was sponsored by Rollins sorority Non Compis Mentis, who supplied scrumptious cupcakes for patrons.
Three teams—the Blue Moons, the Red Rovers, and Galactic green—faced off in an epic battle for the golden championship cup. Other members of RIP worked behind the scenes as light booth operators, house managers, and point counters/announcers.
To begin the show, Players collided in warm-ups against opposing team members to determine which group would receive a coveted bonus point and the chance to play first. Dr. David Charles moderated.
Galactic Green started out strong, winning the warm-up challenge. They were arguably the most ecstatic team in the round, and their enthusiasm paid off. Three judges were then randomly selected from the audience to award each team a score from one to five based on their performance in each round.
Games included “New Choice” and one of Dr. Charles’ favorites, “Musical Eye Contact.” Scores were very close the first two rounds; it all came down to the last scenes. After three heated rounds, passersby were killed, girlfriends were pregnant, and a haughty cow had spoken her mind.
Though each team gave it their all, there could only be one winner. With over forty points and a nearly perfect score in their last game, the Blue Moons were named champions. This left Galactic Green and Red Rovers in honorable defeat, but I have a feeling they will be ready to stage a comeback at the next RIP Tag on Thursday, Oct. 27.
AnneMarie Morrison ‘17, when asked if she enjoyed the show, gave a fitting response to an out-of-this-world RIP Tag: “It was astro-tastic!”
Keep an eye out for sidewalk chalk messages and Facebook blasts, which seem to be RIP’s preferred method of communication, to stay up-to-date with performance themes and times. There are hardly better ways to spend your time. The next RIP performance, Variations on a Theme: DIMENSIONS, will be Friday, Oct. 21, at 1 pm.
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