Walking around campus these past three weeks, I noticed that Rollins College has its own style, and though our college is a wonderful place to be unique, there are defi nite trends that have emerged. I love the style that seems to be all the rage, which is all about comfort. The thing with comfortable fashion is that it usually just means cheating. Lace bralett es are fashionable because they are way more comfortable than the alternative, and they look purposeful and cute when the straps show. Frayed and worn shorts are popular because they are cute and cozy, and it is hot outside. Jeans are not an option this time of year, so, of course, shorts are a comfortable alternative. I was surprised at fi rst at how few skirts I saw, but I quickly learned the reason: wearing skirts limits comfort. In a skirt, you cannot cross your legs in your chair when you want to get more comfortable in class, nor can you curl up on a beanbag in the common room or the library without the unfortunate fear of exposure. Loose T-shirts are extremely popular as well; they are easy to wear; they are fl att ering; they are more comfortable than a tight shirt clinging to you as you trek across our beautiful litt le campus in the blistering sun. Rompers, too, are a popular option and I have a theory as to why this is. Just as with dresses, rompers are cute and look like eff ort was put into picking out the outfi t. But in reality rompers, like dresses, mean less matching, less coordinating outfi t elements, and less thinking, which is an appealing option when you want to look nice but are too tired to try hard. Also, you can sit however you like in rompers without seeming unladylike. Rompers are a great fashion-hack, especially because I personally think it’s unfair to expect fashion excellence without at least two cups of coff ee fi rst. Of course, unless you are one of the lucky ones with a coff ee-maker in your dorm, coff ee is usually out of reach until you are dressed and ready to face the day. As for footwear, fl ip-fl ops are always popular in Florida, and our campus is no exception. Flip-fl ops are always everywhere, and currently Birkenstocks, braided sandals, and simplifi ed gladiator sandals are popular as well. Keds are also everywhere, as they are a comfortable and cute option that goes with almost everything. Headbands, kimonos, yoga pants, track shorts, loose tank-vtops, minimal makeup, loose natural hair, messy buns, fl ap-backpacks, and simple jewelry are also favored on campus. Cute and cozy is in, and it works. We’re young and cute on our own, so we don’t need makeup or over-done outfi ts to show ourselves off . The style at Rollins is all about being comfortable in what you wear and how you look
Rollins students sport the comfortable look
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