The last year has been a tumultuous one. Our election cycle alone has pitted friend against friend and for many became more of an internationally broadcast personality contest than a political campaign. Our airwaves have been so dominated by everything happening around us that most forgot the other significant event happening this week: Veteran’s Day.
Those who protect our nation are not at liberty to follow their own politics at work. There is a constitution, a Commander in Chief, and a job to do. Their actions are a statement of patriotism alone; there is no room for partisanship. Their selfless work is what ensures that we are able to continuously exercise our political and civil rights.
The significance of this day is felt by many in the Sandspur staff; we have mothers, fathers, friends, and other loved ones who haved served. We have peers on this very campus who made the committment and now serve as leaders and role models in the beautiful community we call home. Regardless of the outcome of the election, these extraordinary people show us that we all have our part to play in making our community and our nation the best version of itself. We challenge our readers to hold steadfast to their beliefs and to simultaneously strive to serve and uplift each other through words and actions.
– The Sandspur Staff
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