Jakarta, Indonesia – This week Indonesia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested that Australia’s ambassador respond to recent media reports of spying by Australia. It is believed that Jakarta’s embassy was used for a United States-led surveillance effort that could have hurt relations with all three countries involved. The Australian ambassador, Greg Moriarty, answered the reports about the spying that went on in China, Thailand, Vietnam and West Timor. The meetings with the AU ambassador were held to find out if there is truth behind these allegations and to reinforce that Indonesia does not take kindly to these kinds of acts.
Washington D.C., United States – On Nov. 1, Americans who receive food stamps will have their benefits decreased, and they will continue to decrease every month. It is expected that these cuts may slow economic growth. Throughout the 2014 fiscal year, the United States is expected to reduce spending by $4 billion and then by $6 billion in 2015 and 2016. The amount of benefits lost per family will be proportionate to the size of the family.
Niger – 87 immigrants from the country Niger were found dead in the Sahara just a few miles from the well they were trying to reach. It is reported that this happened as a result of two trucks breaking down that were carrying them. The migrants left the trucks in search of water, but sadly they did not make it. Among the dead, 52 were children. It is thought that the immigrants were leaving Niger, one of the poorest and least prosperous countries in the world, for Algeria, which has much more opportunity. Most of the bodies have been found, but officials are still searching for more.
PIO XII, Brazil – Otávio Jordão da Silva Cantanhede, 19, left his home early in the afternoon with his brother to go play a pick-up game of soccer; however, early in the game he twisted his ankle and became a referee. One of the players, Josemir Santos Abreu, had broken some rules and received a red card which provoked him to assault Cantanhede. It was not known at the time that Cantanhede was carrying a knife, and he proceeded to stab Abreu twice. He died before reaching a nearby hospital. Abreu’s family and some of the witnesses of the murder then hunted down Cantanhede and brutally murdered him as well. Some of the family members have been detained, however authorities are still searching for the other assailants.
Mexico City, Mexico – In hopes of trying to slow the rapid increase of obesity, Mexico’s Congress approved new taxes on sugary drinks and junk food this Thursday. Many politicians approved a tax of one peso per liter (about 8 cents) on soft drinks and an 8% sales tax on high calorie foods such as potato chips, sweets and cereal. The soda and junk food companies tried very hard to stop the passing of the law, but lawmakers said that this was necessary to stop the current eating habits of Mexicans.
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